Category: Raising Gamer Kids
Trials and tribulations of raising the next generation of gamers.
The start of a reading bug
So my daughter has struggled with her interest in reading for some time now, even though she reads at level, she is in 3rd grade. After a plea for help among my personal Facebook friends I was given a long list of potential books. I will try to update the…
Raising a creative child
Creativity is essential While not everyone will agree, I feel that one of the greatest gifts you can provide for your child is the ability to be creative. Thinking with a creative mind allows a person to not only develop novel solutions to a problem they are faced with, but…
Train your evil geekling
Welcome to another addition of Wacky Wednesday where I bring you one crazy item or article I have read online. This week I wanted to share with you the perfect way to start the early training in ultimate destruction of, well, everyone for your young geekling. I bring to you…
Get your geek on for less
For many of us our Library is an untapped resource for getting our geek on. Today I started small and borrowed my first DVD’s from the library. So, for the price of nothing beyond the taxes I pay anyways, I brought home 4 movies that we can watch for free. …
How not to lose your kid in a crowd
Looking for a way to make sure your young, or freaked out, lost child can get back to your caring arms? I know when we have taken our kids into crowded places like conventions, zoos, or bigger places like Disney World we are always trying to keep an eye on…