Gamers are well known for their imagination, at least those gamers that play rpgs or LARPs. How else can we dream up characters, recreate scenes in our heads, or plan out wild adventures to run our player’s characters through. For us our imagination is the butter for our bread, without we could not be who we are; and certainly we would never change that. We know the difference between our imaginary world and that of reality, to us it is not unlike a movie or a book which we are in charge of. Our games are the ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure book.
But we also have strong beliefs. They are not the same collective set of beliefs that we are required to have; no, instead we each have our own set. I would hazard to say that if you took a group of 20 gamers into a room and polled them on their beliefs from politics to religion you would find no two the same, in addition you would likely find some of the wildest set of beliefs out there. This, I suspect, is because of our very creative and imaginative nature we can not help but see possibilities for our world that are virtually impossible for others to see.
I have been reading up some on the power of our beliefs, especially our belief in ourselves, and how we can use that belief to draw positive energy to changes in our lives. So I am experimenting with this concept, to see how much energy I can draw from myself and the universe around me towards my goals. Others have used this idea, to great success, in their lives. But the gamer in me can not help but wonder, if it works, if calling the energy and drawing it to a cause could help us to reshape our world. Could someone use it to gain “real” magic? or to fly? or have heat vision? is it all just a matter of believing enough??? And if it is that simple should we stop telling our kids that they can’t do this or that simply because they are human, maybe their belief is strong enough.