Recent Posts
Cheap Sci-Fi Costume Ideas
While most of my costuming tends towards the elaborate and rather expensive, I also have made some pretty low-budget costumes as well. Here are a few ideas for cheap Sci-Fi themed costumes. I hope you find something here that you can use. Mech Pilot: Decorate a helmet with a number…
The Ghost Returns for High Adventure on the Coast of Crusade
A few months ago our Call of Cthulhu DM ran a one night game of It Came from the Late, Late, Late Show. I had never played the game before, though I had read through the rules a while ago. For a long time now I have had a love…
Brief Review of We Didn’t Playtest This at All
Last week, we started our regular Friday gaming night session out by playing a few games of We Didn’t Playtest This at All while we waited for everyone to arrive. It is a neat little card game, rather humorous and a very quick play. I think we played four or…
Crappy Birthday – The Game
Here is a new game we played last week at our weekly gaming session, Crappy Birthday. It is a card game which is similar in play style to Apples to Apples. As the name of the game implies you are trying to give someone the worst present you can for…
Gamestorm 14
Last weekend was another exciting gaming convention, sure wish I could go to more of them. As it is nearly bedtime for me this will be short and sweet. For those that don’t know, Gamestorm is a gaming convention held each year in the Portland/Vancouver area of the PNW. The…
Geek or Nerd
A couple of months ago I got into a discussion with a friend who was trying to determine the difference between a geek and a nerd. So while I proudly claim both monikers as my own, here is my description of both and how they pertain to me. Geek –…
We are back
Hello readers! After striking for a day in protest of the SOPA and PIPA Bills going through the US Government right now, we are back on line. If you are in the US and you haven’t already made your feeling know about SOPA and PIPA I strongly suggest you contact…
6 Reasons to Switch to Streaming
Our Switch About 1-1/2 years ago we realized that we were wasting money every month paying a cable bill just for fun. The realization came on night when we looked around and discovered that no one had turned the cable on in a whole month. What a waste of our…
Modern day wands
What is a wand? According to my recently purchased copy of The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols by Adele Nozedar, a wand is a symbol of power. Adele writes “The wand is an essential tool for anyone who aspires to a position of authority and power: witches and…
Raising a creative child
Creativity is essential While not everyone will agree, I feel that one of the greatest gifts you can provide for your child is the ability to be creative. Thinking with a creative mind allows a person to not only develop novel solutions to a problem they are faced with, but…