So when an adventuring party is faced with the challenge of stealing a dragon’s horde out from under a dragon what is the best approach. I suppose this particular problem has been covered before and will likely be covered again, though I doubt too many other groups will find the ultra creative approach that my gaming group decided to take.
First off I should clarify for you that 1) this party is evil, made up of demonologist, necromancers and the like and 2) there was never any intent on slaying the dragon, just removing as much treasure as they could with minimal effort and sacrifice of life or limb. Now that we have those basic facts covered we can proceed with the story of how they achieved this goal. Oh, I guess I should mention that I was running Legendary Lives 2nd Ed. in our typical Friday night game.

So the plan, that almost went off, was to lure the dragon from its home in the side of the mountain and while it was out and distracted to rush the lair and steal as much treasure as they could and escape. The escape route was clear for they have a magic circle made of 26 leather sections that can be laid down in a pattern to teleport what ever enters the circle to another place based on the pattern the pieces are arranged in (think Stargate). But now they had to determine how to lure out the dragon.
Well the groups assassin found in the small town a contact that would sell him a dragon sized dose of double-vision poison. This, they hoped, would provide them a fighting chance. But the poison had to be ingested, so they devised a cunning plan. They bought a cow, and a towns worth of bacon and two cheese wheels [can you see where this is going]. Then headed up the mountain, once they felt they were close enough they used their fire magic to cook all the bacon at once. With all the freshly cooked bacon they wrapped it around the cow, attached the wineskin of poison around it’s neck and tied the two cheese wheels to its back. Double, bacon cheese burger on the hoof; sure to attract even the mildest of dragon’s away from their treasure. Who could resist that much bacon???
And while there is much more to the story, which I will cover in another post someday, I will say that they did successfully part a fair amount of the treasure from the dragon with only minimal party damage. All through a judicious use of bacon!