For many of us our Library is an untapped resource for getting our geek on. Today I started small and borrowed my first DVD’s from the library. So, for the price of nothing beyond the taxes I pay anyways, I brought home 4 movies that we can watch for free. Today’s focus for my movies was Disney as I am a huge Disney animated geek. We watched some older Goofy shorts that my kids giggled at heartily and The Great Mouse Detective (Mystery in the Mist Edition)
which I hadn’t seen in ages and my daughter hadn’t seen at all but rather enjoyed.
Next I am planning to cruise through the online catalog and find a video game or two that look interesting and put them on hold. One of the down sides is that many of the more popular games are usually on a wait list, but on the upside I can easily place them on hold from the comfort of my home and get a friendly email when my name eventually makes it to the top. This will allow me to play a variety of games without the expense of buying them. If I find I really like the game I can go pick up my own copy, otherwise I can just play it until my time is up, then return it all for free!!!
In addition, I know a number of libraries in my area that are also are supporting Manga and anime clubs, in addition to board game nights for the teens, kids and families. What a great, free resources us geek families have in our local libraries!!!