Costumes galore…
One of the aspects of the Science Fiction convention we go to each year, Orycon in Portland Oregon, is that people dress in all sorts of great costumes. And while most of them are more inclined to be grouped with a genre, such as Steam Punk or Pirates, there are others that pick a specific character from a movie or television series and dress as them. Depending on the movie this could be either super simple or terribly challenging to manage.
Here I will cover a couple ideas that have struck me this weekend that I think would be fairly easy to accomplish, even on a tight budget. And for some of them the reference is back in time about 20 years and will make people have to stop and ask you who you are supposed to be.
The Jetsons
So The Jetsons may be an animated cartoon, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use it for costume ideas. Any of the family members, outside of Rosey the Robot, would be fairly easy to dress up. You just need some clothing in the right styles which may be found at your local discount retail store or resale clothing store. If it isn’t the right color don’t worry, just get it in the lightest version you can and use some RIT Dye to dye it the color you need.
George Jetson – White, long sleeved, high collared shirt with the collar up and added black cord for trim work; Blue pants that are tighter fitting, and a dark green, wide belt should do the trick. Then just a matter of getting your hair the right color and a standard guys style.
Jane Jetson – A bit harder to manage, but a tighter fitting, flared skirt dress dyed purple and add a collar of starched white triangle. Then a pair of purple tights and a center part medium hair do in light red and you are good to go.
Judy Jetson – A red sleeveless, short crop shirt with the added red, starched triangle collar and a pair of snugish red pants and you are good to go. The hardest part of this one is the white, high ponytail hair – afraid I am not sure how to manage that one, but if anyone has any good ideas please share
Elroy Jetson – White t-shirt, and some green overalls complete with green shoe covers and you are almost there. Add in a red, starched full-circle collar and the baseball hat adorned with the antennae and you are good to go. Standard boy cut hair in yellow is the last touch.
Inspector Gadget

Here is another cartoon from my childhood that crosses over to the sci-fi realm, guess it isn’t too much of a wonder how I got into this stuff huh? Since the setting of Inspector Gadget was modern day, at least for the 1908’s when it was created, the costumes are pretty easy to manage.
Inspector Gadget – A gray double breasted shorter length trench coat, if you can’t find double breasted then get single and replace all the buttons with a matched set to make it look double breasted. You will also need a gray belt, and may need to add belt loops for it if the coat didn’t come with some. A blue pair of pants, and some gray shoes. Oh and don’t forget the dray hat, brown gloves and black fly-away hair. Since you obviously can’t do all the gadgets you could pair it down to jazzing up the gloves with the Gadget Phone look and that should do the trick.
Penny – A basic T-shirt in red and you can add the white stripe or get a shit shirt and figure out dyeing it red in top/bottom stripes. Then green pants and some red shoes, which may require dyeing white shoes or making shoe covers. Then some basic blond pigtails and you are good to go. If you could locate something that could be her watch or her computer book that would help the costume along to make it obvious you are in costume, especially if you had the computer book worked out.
That’s a wrap…
So ends another costume idea blog post. I hope you enjoyed this way-back, flash-back to my youth as much as I did and if you get a chance to work out any of these costumes for your next dress-up event send me a picture and let me see how it turned out!