Gear Ring
Posted in Nifty Gadgets & Gizmos

Ring for your Geek Guy

Check out this ring, it is sure to bring out the geek in your guy. I am thinking about getting this for my husband as an accessory for his Steam Punk costume for Orycon. The price is a little steep but totally understandable considering how cool it is. Not only…

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A Fun Family Game
Posted in Board Games Featured

Cheeky Monkey

>Another game we added to our ever growing collection this Christmas was the Cheeky Monkey Game . This is a kids game that my in-laws picked up for my 6 year old daughter. The game is one I discovered at this last Gamestorm and was excited for us to add…

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Posted in Board Games Featured

Potty Humor Card Game for kids

Do you have kids to shop for that are in elementary school?? Well, then do I have a card game for you!! I highly recommend the card game, Poo Second Edition. The basic idea is that you are a monkey throwing monkey poo at the other players. There are a…

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Posted in Featured

Support Wikipedia

Support the greatest font of free knowledge out there, help them meet their goals to keep the site up, going, and free for us all. Knowledge is Power!!!!

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Posted in Featured

Changes coming

So all, I am working on an update to the site and yet another theme update while I work to find a perfect look for the content of this site. Should have it done by Christmas, I hope. At that time I can catch up on the posts that have…

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Posted in Featured

After a long break

So life finally managed to catch up and eat my blogging time for a while. I would claim it to be heartbreaking to my followers but since I don’t have any to speak of based on the hits I was getting, we will instead just consider it a chapter break…

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Posted in Featured Roleplaying Games Words from the Gaming Table

Man vs Dice – Part 3

So what happens when your dice mutiny all together???? When that happens you sit down at the game table, clipboard of characters, maps and miscellaneous information in hand and find that you have everything but your character sheet. You dig through the gaming bag that the gaming clipboard lives in,…

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Posted in Board Games

The aMAZEing Labyrinth Board Game

For my my daughter’s 6th birthday she received the board game The aMAZEing Labyrinth from her step-dad.  Though I am ashamed to admit it took us months to finally get around to playing it we finally did.  The game is rated ages 7+ but we usually find our kids catch…

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Posted in Featured Roleplaying Games Words from the Gaming Table

Man vs Dice – Part 2

As promised here I am again to bring you up to current on the continued, and ever ongoing Man vs Dice saga. While the great game of awesome roles continued to elude him, many an attempt has been made to understand the psychology of the bag of dice that our…

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Posted in Featured Roleplaying Games Words from the Gaming Table

Man vs Dice – Part 1

In my twenty years of gaming experience, trailing over a good number of gaming groups, I have found one thing to be true. At the gaming table there will always be someone whose dice simply hate them. Now I don’t mean the guy whose dice are just cold that night…

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